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THEFIRST CLASSMATE POSTRE:Discussion – Week 7Citationfor Article, Summary, and Research Design


Yourpost is incredible. For the qualitative analysis, the focus groupsand conducting interviews are usually the best methods of collectingdata. The sampling technique applied in the study is also great inbuilding convenience. However, I do not understand the exact samplingtechnique that was used. Have you ever heard of stratified, random orsystematic sampling? Which method was utilized by the researchers?However, you have clearly described the process of conductingresearch, which was employed in the article. Moreover, you were sokeen to note that the authors offered commentary concerning thepossible improvements in the department of emergency, theinteractions of the staff members and the institutional approachesand considerations of treatment for the population under study(Nicholas et al., 2015). However, I suggest that you could have addedmore meat on the article by highlighting other aspects to beconsidered in improving the emergency interactions.

Ialso agree with you that the design was appropriate. Qualitativeanalysis was the best way of determining perception, as quantitativeanalysis could not apply to identify the overarching ideas, recurrentideas, and themes. Apparently, every research will requireconfidentiality, approval, and client consent (Creswell &ampCreswell, 2007). The study you analyzed considered all these. I alsoagree with your explanations, supposing the quantitative method hadbeen used. However, I suggest that you could have highlighted thepros and cons of these research designs too.


Creswell,J. &amp Creswell, J. (2007).&nbspQualitative inquiry &ampresearch design. Thousand Oaks: Sage Publications.

Nicholas,D., Newton, A., Calhoun, A., Dong, K., deJong-Berg, M., &ampHamilton, F. et al. (2015). The Experiences and Perceptions ofStreet-Involved Youth Regarding Emergency DepartmentServices.Qualitative Health Research,&nbsp26(6),851-862.

THESECOND POST PAPER.Discussion- Week 7Hello,

Thearticle that you chose concerning the effect of agitation and anxietyon the mechanical ventilator is fantastic. You clearly described thearticle, giving an excellent summary. I am also glad that yourealized the appropriateness of the qualitative design the authorused to know the feelings of the patients concerning agitation andanxiety (Tate, Devito Dabbs, Hoffman, Milbrandt, &amp Happ, 2011).It is great that the study showed the way patients interacted withtheir environment, and distraction was found to be the common modefor adverse implications on the patients. Is there any other commonimplication that the author could have noted in his study? I suggestthat distraction alone could not have an impact on the patients. Forany research, ethical issues such as participant consent andconfidentiality should be considered (Creswell &amp Creswell, 2007).I am glad to notice that the author of the article considered theseissues. However, did the author really consider participantconfidentiality?

Lastly,I like your opinion, could the design be quantitative. I agree withyou that the results would have been different. Apparently, theresearch would determine an approach and a comparison on the mannerin which the medications can efficiently work in the process ofdiffusing the levels of agitation and anxiety in the mechanicallyventilated participants with or with not sedation.


Creswell,J. &amp Creswell, J. (2007).&nbspQualitative inquiry &ampresearch design. Thousand Oaks: Sage Publications.

Tate,J., Devito Dabbs, A., Hoffman, L., Milbrandt, E., &amp Happ, M.(2011). Anxiety and Agitation in Mechanically VentilatedPatients.&nbspQualitative Health Research,&nbsp22(2),157-173.

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